It looks like my N8 will be my last Nokia phone. I have had virtually every new release Nokia has made since my first portable in the mid 1980's. Nokia really had reached their peak with Maemo and the N900. Then threw it away by a series of monumentally bad decisions, like ditching Maemo for Meego, and now letting Microsoft decide their destiny with an OS no one wants. So long Nokia, it's been great!
I love my N8. Nokia has been basically made into Microsoft's biatch. The new CEO is from Microsoft, and he is killing off Nokia's competing operating system Symbian, and forcing Windows Phone 7 which no one wants, or is buying ...onto Nokia's smart phone line. Nokia has such a huge worldwide market share that the thinking at Microsoft is they will sell more Windows Phone 7 no matter how bad it is. ( Copy & Paste doesn't even work in WP7 ). A corporate mugging on a grand scale. Next, I'm sure Elop will outsource all the jobs from Finland to China to save money. The whole thing is sad.
I think there has been some sneaky stuff going on orchestrated in Redmond for a while. Nokia had Maemo ( The N770, N800, N810, N900 ) operating system really perfected. All of a sudden, Nokia throws it away and "joins" the MeeGo development effort with Intel. The guy behind Maemo ( who is really good ) ends up at HP to lead webOS development. MeeGo on the ARM is about as useful as a kick stand on a bass boat as one would expect from Intel. That whole scenario smells of Microsoft dirty tricks to me.